Fatty Liver And What You Should Know
Fatty liver disease affects 25% of the worlds population. More common in urban areas than in villages. Just because it is common condition it does not mean it is normal. It often doesnt cause in any symptoms in the patients and that’s the reason why patients ignore it. It is the most common cause of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer leaving behind alcohol, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and all other causes of liver disease in India.
It not only causes liver illnesses it also causes heart attacks, cancers and obstructive sleep apnea.
The four most common reasons of fatty liver is obesity, diabetes, cholesterol issues and alcohol. Around 70% of the obese individuals and 55-60% of the diabetes patients suffer from it. Uncommon reasons include thyroid issues, PCOD and few medicines.
The first step one needs to undertake is to visit the liver specialist/Hepatologist. He will run few blood tests and liver scan called Fibroscan with CAP score(by Echosens- France)along with calculating BMI, Waist hip ratio. Managing fatty liver disease is extremely complex and it is doesnt recover with just by medications. Often your General practitioner/Physician may advise medications like Udiliv/Ursodeoxycholic acid, heptagon, Liv 52 and LIVERIL are all useless in managing the fatty liver. Kindly don’t consume any ayurvedic or homeopathic medication as they may cause further harm. Please dont undergo any detoxification or liver cleansing programmes for fatty liver. Liver itself is a detoxifiying organ.